Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Welcome to Language Lady 3*6*5! If you are a student, parent, teacher, professional, better-yourself-type-of-person, or college kid, LL 365 is for you!

                                    What can you expect from LL 365?

~Daily tips in your inbox or FB feed in the areas of grammar, spelling, usage, writing, and speaking

~Sticky Tricks to Help It Stick: Fast tricks and mnemonics to help you learn the concept of the day better

~Detailed label categories so that if you want to go back and look up a tip later, all tips are easy to find (i.e. spelling rule, homophones, research, etc.)

~Pop quizzes to let you apply what you have learned!

~Posts written to you as a learner that you may use to teach others or learn for yourself

~Homework Help one week each month (last week of the month) with more detailed lessons for those wanting even more help–and for parents to help their kids learn their language arts lessons even better

Language Lady 3*6*5 will have something for everybody, so check in often! Invite your friends to join the fun! And become more articulate in speech, more sure in usage, and more savvy in writing in the coming year–one little tip at a time!

Donna Reish
aka Language Lady

author of Character Quality Language Arts, Wisdom Booklet Language Arts, Meaningful Composition, Ready to Give an Answer, Write On! Quick Kit, The Well-Trained Heart, and Character Training From the Heart (seminar and audio)

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