Private Tutoring: In-Person and Online

We offer complete remediation and/or homework help for students’ current subject(s)!

–Using student’s curriculum/assignments for one to four hours a week for homework help.

–Remediation for specific subject areas– such as reading, spelling, math and writing, etc.

Packages for one hour per week up  to four hours per week available!

Call or text to discuss how we can best serve your student(s)!


Character Ink Private Tutoring Offerings

Character Ink tutors, Ray and Donna Reish, are offering private tutoring in SW Fort Wayne on various days and evenings! We offer tutoring in the following subject areas, but we are also
available for homework help in content areas (study skills, test prep, note taking, time management, etc.

Use this service in the summer to catch up or get ahead in a subject area or hire us to take a tough subject off your hands and teach your student.

1) Writing–sentence, paragraph, report, essay, story writing; all levels; Directed Writing Approach
to get non-writers writing immediately! Taught by a writing curriculum author of over 100 books
totaling over 50,000 pages!

2) Math–from elementary through twelfth grade….your curriculum or one of our choice; remedial,
brush up, SAT prep, and more. Taught by a math professional (former CPA and CMA).

3) Reading–from first grade and up; phonics, reading comprehension, reaching reading fluency,
and more. Taught by curriculum author, elementary education degree and master’s work in
Reading Specialist. Teachers have been trained in Orton-Gillingham’s multi-sensory dyslexia

4) Grammar/Usage–taught in conjunction with writing or alone; parts of speech; punctuation;
editing; spelling/structural analysis; and more. Taught by curriculum author and experienced
teacher of over 100 students each year in grammar and writing for over 20 years.

5) Science–elementary through high school–basic science, earth science, physics, biology,
advanced biology, chemistry taught by experienced science teacher who has taught all of these
subjects to many small groups for over 15 years and is a math professional.

Private Costs: Typical private tutoring for Ray and/or Donna is $35 for a 45 minute sessions ($30 for 45 minutes with two or more sessions a week.)

Minimum number of scheduled sessions must be maintained in order to take a teaching spot.

Call or email today for more information! 260-450-7063 or 260-433-4365

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