Additional Workshop Possibilities


“The Write On! Workshop”Donna Reish and/or Joshua Reish

This workshop may be tailor-designed for your group—elementary, middle school, high school, or a combination. Here are some sessions that you may desire for this all day or two-day writing workshop for students (and their parents if desired). Each of the sessions below may be one to four hours in length! We cannot run out of material to teach your students in these outstanding workshops!
The Write On! Workshop by Donna & Joshua Reish

  1. Elementary Writing—Teaching young students how to outline, write, and edit their writing
  2. Middle School Essay Writing
  3. Middle School Creative Writing
  4. Middle School Research Writing
  5. How to Complete the Checklist Challenge
  6. From Words, to Sentences, to Paragraphs
  7. High School Essay Writing
  8. High School Creative Writing
  9. High School Research Writing
  10. Writing Timed Essay and/or SAT/ACT Essays
  11. Writing Persuasively
  12. Much more!




“The Almost 3-R’s Workshop”Donna Reish and/or Joshua Reish


This workshop can be “designed” by the hosts—you may choose three, four, five, or six sessions from the lists above to create this informative workshop.

Any language arts, writing, reading, or speaking sessions may be chosen (depending on the targeted age group). Call Donna to learn more about bringing many of these sessions to your parents in a cohesive manner to equip them to teach reading, writing, spelling, language arts, grammar, vocabulary, public speaking, debate, and more.





“Raising Kids With Character” seminar–Ray and Donna Reish

Some of the sessions described above in the character training section come from this seminar. Note: This seminar can be homeschool-specific or available for Christian parents in general. The entire seminar, in seven forty to fifty-minute sessions is as follows:

  1. The Five W’s of Character Training
  1. Parenting Paradigms
  1. Starting Out Right With Babies and Toddlers
  1. Early Qualities for Preschoolers
  1. Child Training vs. Heart Training
  1. Character Qualities for Elementary Ages
  1. Helping Tweens Grow in Character and Virtue


Note: There are other sessions, totaling up to twelve sessions, in which we delve more deeply into Tweens and Teens, address “biggies” like full sessions on Honesty, Diligence/Responsibility, and more, that are also available on demand.



1. The Five W’s of Character TrainingRay and Donna; Ray alone; Donna alone

This workshop, the first in our popular “Raising Kids With Character”
seminar (though may be used separately, as well), teaches parents the what,
who, when, where, why (and how!) of character training in the home. Using
Scripture and thirty years of parenting experience, the Reishes convince
parents in this workshop that it starts with us–and is up to us–to train our
children in godly parenting, how and where this takes place (it’s not as
elaborate as you might think),and much more!


2. Parenting ParadigmsRay and Donna; Ray alone; Donna alone

How we parent begins with what we believe-what we believe about how children
come into this world, whose responsibility child training is, what our role
should be in it, what we believe Scripture tells us about parenting, timing
and appropriate age of training, empathy in parenting, and much more. What
we believe will dictate what we do every single day of our parenting lives.
Find out why and how in this workshop.


3. Starting Out Right With Babies and ToddlersRay and Donna; Donna alone

Demanding toddlers become disobedient preschoolers, disobedient preschoolers
become surly elementary children, surly elementary children become
disrespectful teens, and disrespectful teens become entitled young adults.
What we do in parenting our babies and toddlers makes a huge difference in
the success of our parenting in other stages. This workshop focuses on the
first four qualities that are essential for parenting babies and
toddlers–contentment, cheerfulness, obedience, and submission. “I wish every
young Christian parent could hear these concepts–ones that were taught to us
thirty years ago and have made a huge difference in our parenting” (Donna).


4. Early Qualities for PreschoolersRay and Donna; Donna alone

This workshop takes the first four qualities needed for babies and
toddlers-submission, obedience, contentment, and cheerfulness-and builds on
those in the life of the four to six year old child. In this workshop,
Reishes explain how to apply those in your little one’s life, while raising
kids that others enjoy being around and that older siblings adore! Loving
and training these ages are some of the most blessed years of parenting
(along with many other years!)-and parenting children biblically with
boundaries, love, fun, and biblical concepts makes all the difference in
their dispositions, the family’s efficiency and joy, and family unity.


5. Child Training vs Heart TrainingRay and Donna; Donna alone

Something should start to happen in our character training between the ages
of eight and ten. This workshop teaches how to transition from child
training to heart training-and how the foundational character training plays
a role in that transition. How do we get from “putting out fires” in our
kids’ behavior to training their hearts for life? Ray and Donna have
insights from their thirty years of parenting that can help parents move
into heart training of their children effectively.


6. Helping Tweens Grow in Character and VirtueRay and Donna; Donna alone

Taking tweens and young teens from obedience and submission  for the sake of
avoiding punishment to genuine respect, self-control, diligence,
truthfulness, responsibility, and more can be a daunting task. But it can be
done! And we can enjoy those ten to fourteen year olds instead of dreading
the next confrontation! This workshop focuses on how to help our children
grow in character and virtue because “it’s the right thing to do”-and apply
it to their lives for life!




“Raising Tweens and Teens With Character” seminar–

This seminar can be added (all or parts) onto the Raising Kids With Character Seminar—or it can stand Raising Tweens & Teens With Character by Ray & Donna Reishalone (in which case another session or two may be added according to the host’s wishes and the time constraints). These principles of heart-focusing and mentoring really work—and we would love to share them with you!

  1. Training Children to Be Diligent, Responsible, Thorough Workers
  2. Helping Tweens and Teens Grow in Character and Virtue
  3. Discipling and Mentoring Your Children
  4. Major on the Majors With Tweens and Teens
  5. More?


1. Training Children to Be Diligent, Responsible, Thorough Workers —

This sessions goes beyond a daily chore chart (though that is certainly a part of it) to explain the basics of raising diligent, responsible, thorough workers in the home. She has found several keys that have made her children not just “chore doers” but responsible, diligent children at early ages—and how to continue this through the tween and teen years.


2. Helping Tweens and Teens Grow in Character and Virtue Through Heart Training and Relationship Focus

Taking tweens and young teens from obedience and submission  for the sake of avoiding punishment to genuine respect, self-control, diligence, truthfulness, responsibility, and more can be a daunting task. But it can be done! And we can enjoy those ten to fourteen year olds instead of dreading the next confrontation! This workshop focuses on how to help our children grow in character and virtue because “it’s the right thing to do”–and apply those qualities to their lives for life. Donna also concentrates on how to get out of the “putting out fires” mentality of parenting as our kids become teens—and onto discipling and mentoring.


3. Discipling and Mentoring Your Children —

More about discipling and mentoring children–beginning with elementary age and moving into young adults. This workshop is for those with all ages of children, describing how to begin reaching the heart of your younger children while still maintaining discipline, then how to move into a mentoring role with your older teens and young adults.


4. Major on the Majors With Tweens and Teens–

This session focuses on the most important aspects of the teen and young adult years—and how to know what to focus on and what not to focus on.

It helps parents see the big picture, know when to give “mulligans” and when to stand firm, how to help our kids make life-changing decisions, and much more.





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