The Simplified Planner: The Daily Duties Page

On my recent podcast episode for the last Wednesday of December, I actually talk about the Daily Duties page first. I did that because I truly believe that Daily Duties are what make us the most successful in parenting, homeschooling, home management, and even entrepreneurship.

The Simplified Planner: The Daily Duties Page

So where does the Daily Duties page fall in a simple planner? In The Simplified Planner (get it for free here during January 2016 by subscribing to the blog or newsletter or buy it here for five dollars), the Daily Duties page is a template page that you print off and fill in. (I recommend that you print one off and fill it with all of your Daily Duties as described below, then make copies to use each week. This way, any time your Daily Duties change (and they do throughout a year), you can print a clean one off, create a new sheet, and photocopy that.)

That is where it falls in The Simplified Planner, but it should fall every week in your actual calendar/planner. Let me explain:

1) The Daily Duties is a page that you create with all of your daily must do’s on it. These are things that you need to do every single day to be successful in life.

2) This page can be a daily page or a weekly page:

a) Daily just means that you will use a new one every single day (with the same ongoing daily list on it).
b) Weekly means that you will use one a week but each daily task will have five check boxes before it (one for each weekday), and you will check off one box for each task every day as you do it.)


3) Regardless of whether you create a daily sheet or a weekly one, it should have every thing listed on it that you need to do. Again, I work in categories, so my Daily Duties page was always divided by categories. For example, as a homeschooling mama of many, my sheet had these categories on it:

a) Personal Morning Routine
b) Morning Devotions/Reading With the Kids
c) Oversee Morning Routines and Morning Chores
d) Unit Studies (there were always things on here I did every day–Read biography; read character book; sing hymn; other reading for one hour, etc.)
e) Oversee Noon Chores
f) Littles in the Afternoons
g) Food Preps etc.


4) The point is that if you need to do it in order for things to operate smoothly at your house, it should be on this list.

5) Note that the categories may be time periods or categories/types of activities.

6) Once you have it made, you should print it off and insert it (either with a paper clip or in your binder if you use a three-ring binder) just before that week’s Weekly Worksheet. Open your binder or planner up to this page, and use it to work your mama magic in your home.


There are very few homemakers, homeschoolers, or work-at-home mamas who truly conquer the Daily Duties. There are many reasons for this–not really pinpointing what those things are; feeling overwhelmed by bigger things instead of tackling the smaller, day-to-day tasks; lack of motivation; not having kids help enough so the daily list is truly too much for one person, etc.

But the thing about the Daily Duties list is that once you master it, you can accomplish anything! Once you prove to yourself that you can do what needs done every day–before you let weeklies or monthlies or “tyranny of the urgent” overcome you–there will be no stopping you!

Check out my three chore sessions a day and dishes/laundry/trash twice a day for more insight!

Check out this podcast episode about Using Your Planner/Calendar to Get More Done!


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