[Video] How To Use the Checklist Challenge

This week’s Wondering Wednesday is a video in which I teach how to use my Checklist Challenge. Whether you are a CI curriculum user (Character Quality Language Arts, Meaningful Composition, or Write On!) or not, if you are a teacher who longs to merge grammar with writing (as it should be!), this video will give you tips and ideas that you can begin incorporating immediately.


The store description of the Checklist Challenge Packet is given below. This text will give you some ideas on what you can expect to learn in this week’s Wondering Wednesday!

How to Complete the Checklist Challenge—Level I is a downloadable e-book that walks students (and teachers!) through the first three-fourths of Donna’s effective Checklist Challenge. The Checklist Challenge is a challenging checklist of tasks that help students go through their writing, one task at a time, and revise, edit, add to, embellish, and improve.


The Checklist Challenge has the following characteristics/benefits:

 (1) Each task is given separately (i.e. not just a big master list with no explanation). The tasks are explained and samples are provided.

 (2) The checklist has check boxes (one per paragraph) for each essay/report/story that you can customize to a certain project. It is clear that a paper has four paragraphs, so most of the task should be done four times—once per paragraph.

(3) The tasks are skills learned in grammar. Once a child learns how to use quotations, he should practice them immediately by putting them in his writing. The Checklist Challenge marries grammar and writing in a way that other programs do not.

 (4) Coding instructions are given so that a student can be taught to code his additions and revisions for easy teacher-grading.
And so much more.

This thirty-four page document has multiple YouTube videos related to it, so go check out Character Ink’s YouTube channel for help in utilizing this fantastic writing tool.


Download the Checklist Challenge



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