“You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” Deuteronomy 6:7

It is time. It really is. We have our mornings organized (!); we have the most important things first; we are “teaching ‘them’ (the things God gave to us already) to our children when we rise up”—and we need to move on and continue this throughout our day—in the other locations and times referred to in our Deuteronomy verse.

I love the next section! I love it because my husband is so good at it. I love it because we have found ways to really make it a reality in our home. I love it because it is so natural when you spend time together as a family. I just love it!

So to whet your appetite a little (and get you to invite your friends to join us!), I give you a partial list of things we will be discussing in this section of character training—ways that we have discovered to teach God’s Word, God’s Ways, and our family ways to our children when we “sit in our house.” Join us for more details!

-Story time




-Listening together

-Parenthetical Parenting

-Expectation Explanation

-Teaching like Jesus

-Reading together


-Prioritizing it—making the time to “sit in your house”

-“Good report” time

-Songs/sayings to build relationships

-Family worship

-Treating Our Children Like Jesus Would

-AIM—Answer It More


-Techno-Free Zone

-And much more! 

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