Podcast Notes for “How to Utilize Room Time With Toddlers & Preschoolers”

How to Utilize Room Time With Toddlers & Preschoolers

“Soon it was time for Jakie to play in his play pen, so Josiah and I got to play together. Next thing I knew, we were in trouble! Mommy came into the room and said that it looked like a tornado went through. We did it again! We got too many things out at one time. We had stuff all over the living room: Legos, cars and trucks, Duplo people, books, and stuffed animals. It took us FOREVER to clean it up—even with Kara’s help. Josiah and I had to each do an extra fifteen minute chore with Mommy because we forgot the rule about getting out too many things at one time. “


Podcast Notes for “CLEP Testing for College Credit and/or a College Degree”

Podcast Notes: CLEP Testing for College Credit and/or a College Degree


Listen to the podcast here!




(1) ALL (or nearly all) of a degree earned through CLEPs
(2) CLEP in lieu of taking courses in your degree (to save time and money)


ALL CLEP (or Nearly All) Considerations

1. Super great study skills/tester
2. Doesn’t mind having a less “distinguished degree”
3. Is getting a less specialized degree (more liberal arts/humanities/social
work/history/psychology, communications, etc.)
4. Can save TONS of money (especially over living on campus and getting a degree)


Podcast Notes For “Overcoming Obstacles in Parenting”


Overcoming Obstacles in Parenting

Listen to the podcast here!


Reasons for Overwhelm

(1) Working out of your season of life
(2) Doing too much/too prideful to say you really can’t do everything you want/think you should be able to do
(3) Working out of your strengths—trying to be like someone else or wanting to have talents that you don’t really have


Podcast Notes: Ten Tips for Staying Close During Intense Training Times

Podcast Notes: 10 Tips for Staying Close During Intense Training Times

Things to Consider About Our Relationships During Intense Training Times

(1) To your child, it can feel like he is being ganged up on—or that he is not as loved because there is so much “negative” in the form of training, punishment, consequences, etc. You want to be sure you are combating this with attention, affirmation, encouragement, heart engagement, and many positives.
(2) Keep these ten tips close-by to be sure that you are staying close and connected when he feels less than positive about the changes and expectations.
(3) While it might not be possible during these intense times to follow a certain protocol (i.e. three positives for every one negative; ten affirmations for every negative feedback/correction, etc.), it is still important not to have a negative environment in which every thing is about the training, changes, and expectations.


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