It has recently come to my attention that newer readers are not aware of the dozens of free audios and videos that I have at the Character Ink blog! One reader recently told me that she cleaned her entire basement for a weekend while listening to podcasts and videos after she discovered them! So I thought I would re-introduce some of them in the coming months—along with other related posts and products. So let’s start with Story Time—one of my favorite times of the day for twenty-five years! If you have always longed to do a story time in your school day, but you haven’t figured out how to work it with several children, different ages and tastes, busy schedules, etc., this post is the one for you!

Story time (along with having spent every day with my kids for over thirty years) is one of my best accomplishments in life. Seriously. Do you know the dedication and persistence it takes to read aloud to kids for two hours (at least) nearly every day for three decades? But I made it! And I have well-educated, book-loving children and warm memories to prove it! 🙂


First, the podcast! This was one of my very first podcasts, so bear with me as I was learning the tech (and trying to keep it under time limits!).


Podcast: Story Time Questions



Secondly, for those who are not listeners but would rather read tips and tricks, here’s a blog post I wrote answering common story time questions:

Part 1: Story Time Q&A--General Story Time Tips



Third, I have a Q and A post based on a young momma’s questions about story time with very young children. It can be done! And once you start, your kids will love it so much you will wonder why you didn’t work harder on making it happen earlier!



Lastly, I have four readers that you and your children might enjoy. Three of them are beginning readers with children’s text on one page and parent text on the other. The perfect reward trio for when your child reads the children’s part to you—then Mom or Dad reads the “older text” to the child! The fourth reader is a beginning chapter book. All four are about the loveable characters from The Jungle Book.



Read a Chapter, Mowgli!



Love and hope,



P.S. What are your read aloud struggles? How can I help you incorporate this amazing time in your school days?


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