10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Freezer Cooking

The following post is from this week’s podcast, “Ten Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Freezer Cooking”.

(1) What method do you think would work for you?

a. Once a Month cooking

b. Extra casseroles here and there

c. Power Hour—a little in the freezer every week

d. Cycle cooking

 i. Big—a month of a certain type of recipe (i.e. shredded chicken)

ii. Small—a few entrees but all the same type of recipe



(2) What do you want to end up with?

a. Full meals—add a salad

b. Meat entrees—add sides

c. Starters –just to get things going

d. Side dishes

e. Others—muffins, crepes, etc.



(3) What stage do you want your freezer entrees in?

a. Completely cooked—just thaw, heat, and eat (fully cooked meatloaves, meatballs, chicken breasts, shredded chicken starters, crumbled beef starters, etc.)

b. Somewhat cooked but still need finished (lasagna, most casseroles, enchiladas, etc.)

c. Raw—marinated but no cooking done, “thirty-five meals in two hours,” raw meatloaves and chicken breasts etc.


(4) What does your family eat a lot of?


(5) What looks good in the freezer section of the grocery?


(6) What can you afford?

a. How much can you buy upfront to get started?

b. What containers can you afford?

(7) How much space do you have?


(8) What kind of cook are you—social or loner?


(9) How often do you want to use freezer entrees?


(10) How homemade do you want to cook?



Links To Read Further:

Determining The Type of Freezer Cook You Will Be

Shredded Chicken Cooking

Ten Freezer Foods I Don’t Like to Be Without


Listen to the podcast HERE! 🙂

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