Located in Fort Wayne, IN for 1st-12th Grades

Interested in Learning More About Our Half Day Homeschool Program?

Watch the “Short Version” Video Above

OR Call or text Ray Reish at 260-450-7063.

(Full Length Video With Class Descriptions

and Schedules for All Grades Below!)

To Enroll, please call Ray at 260 450 7063 or e-mail characterink@gmail.com

Character Ink will continue its new teaching arm – The half-day homeschool for 1st -12th grades in which all academics are taught, followed up on, recorded, and graded for YOU!

ALL of this is done as your students come to “school” for 8-12 hours a week!

The following schedule and guidelines have been developed for the 2020-2021 school year. Adaptions can be made to meet your family’s needs.


1) Responsible for curriculum securing, teaching, assigning, and overseeing for ALL academic subjects for 1st-12th grade students.

2) Teaching will be small group classes, block teaching, daily class meetings, one-on-one tutoring, and independent studies all in our home at 11120 Aboite Center Road Fort Wayne.

3) 180 days of instruction (and record keeping and accountability) (e-learning will be utilized for inclement weather)

4) Daily lesson plans, check sheets, and accountability (Students, Ray, and parents can check.)

5) Curriculum found and laid out for each subject

6) Math, language arts, and reading taught by/planned by specialists in these areas. All academic
areas will be covered in various sessions, blocks, and independent learning.

7) Thorough, safe, and fun environment to learn

8/12/2021 First day of class (Thurs)

1/10/2022 First day of second semester

5/132022 Last day of class (Fri)

1) Have students in class daily on time

2) Provide time in afternoon or evening for older students to complete a subject or two if needed

3) Read daily with elementary students (in addition to their daily reading lessons here)

4) Provide a final transcript for your student from your own private school (We will help with this.)

5) Send snack and drink daily if desired,

6) Pay monthly tuition the first week of each month.

7) Pay for curriculum (consumables, book rentals, and lab fees) up to $300 per year per student.

Monthly Tuition over 10 months

Students 1st -12th

1st student $310/mo

2nd student $280/mo

3rd student $240/mo

Call or email today for more information or to enroll!

260-450-7063 or 260-433-4365 characterink@gmail.com

High School Schedule (8th-12th grade)

Monday and Wed – Attend group classes at Reish’s home
Tues, Thurs, and Friday – homework at home
One private tutoring session each week to cover any subject.
Classes included: Bible/Character, Language Arts, Literature,  Math, Science, History and Social Studies as needed.

Middle School Schedule (6th -8th grade)

Monday thru Wednesday – homework at home
Thursday – Friday 8:30 – 12:00 at Reish’s home
One private tutoring session each week to cover any subject.
Classes included: Bible / Character, Reading, Math, History, Science, Language Arts, Literature

Elementary Schedule (1st -5th grade)

Monday and Wednesday – homework at home
Tuesday and Friday 12:00 – 3:00 at Reish’s home
Thursday 11:30 – 3:00 at Reish’s home
Classes included: Bible / Character, Reading, Phonics, Math, History, Science, Language Arts, Literature

Call (260) 450 – 7063 for more details or questions.

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