December Podcast Schedule Change

Dear podcast listeners and friends of Raising Kids With Character,

I will be unable to do the full five weeks of podcast episodes in December due to an illness that has put my dad in the hospital for at least ten days and maybe up to two weeks, including: surgery. I thought I could get it all done, working in the hospital in between talking with doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc., until my computer died at the hospital yesterday.

So I will be working on my phone for at least a week – still from my dad’s hospital room quite often. Thank you for your patience and understanding and for sharing the meme that shows what the remaining podcast episodes will be for the rest of December. Also, please keep watching for the Christmas With College and Adult Children blog posts. I have some fun ones coming in the next week!

Love and hope,


P.S. You sure you are subscribed to our newsletter and/or the blog, so that you will get the freebie Friday newsletter! This Friday we will have an annotated Christmas book list with my rankings of them. You won’t want to miss it!


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