A week or so ago, I put up my favorite “gift snack mixes” that could be done as a family for gifts for teachers, coaches, neighbors, grandparents, etc. And I have a few more gift recipes coming up in the next three weeks; however, I wanted to give you a link early on to some of our favorite goodie recipes in general. The following antidote is reprinted from our December 2008 e-newsletter.

                                 Holiday Goodies Galore

We called Kayla (second child, age 22) at college the other evening (a nightly occurrence for Ray or me or both of us—gotta keep those heart strings tied!) to find her making “Muddy Buddies” in her dorm room at Southwestern University near Dallas, Texas (where she attends college for her second degree and works as a nurse at Baylor Hospital). She commented, “It’s the only thing I could think to make in a tiny microwave oven.” Kayla has been having cooking and baking withdrawal ever since she moved into the dorm in August. (And we have been missing her cooking and baking here too!) She went and got little baggies for her dorm mates and Christmas containers from Dollar Tree for her professors, supervisors at work, etc. and she was happily making multiple batches of this treat in her little micro and packaging them on her desk top. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

A couple of years ago I included a massive list of some of our favorite holiday goodies. We love to bake and make all kinds of treats and give them away at Christmas to neighbors, library workers, fellow newspaper deliverers, co-workers, students, relatives, etc. Check out our recipes at


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