Wish you had lessons on how to outline, edit, create stories, learn grammar concepts, and grasp new (and lifelong!) vocabulary tools? Wish you had lessons for all of these things AND videos to go with the said lessons? Wish these lessons were fun and easy for students to grasp—possibly even taught in a directed format by an author of over fifty thousand pages and one hundred curriculum books?
Well, you must have rubbed the right magic lamp—because Character Ink Press is opening a Membership Site with all of those things at your fingertips! And for the months of August and September, you can join this site (while we are getting it off the ground and starting to add to it!) for only $10 (for six weeks!).
Yep, our inexperience in this type of site (not in writing or teaching!) is your benefit. As we add to it over the first six weeks, you will have the opportunity to utilize everything that is there (and everything we add during this time) for only $10 total. (Future prices and monthly/yearly memberships will be unveiled in October—no auto renewal will be done. You will have the opportunity to re-join in October, if desired!)
To whet your appetite a little, here are the first several downloadable lessons that will be available within the first two weeks!
How to Complete the Checklist Challenge
How to Complete the Checklist Challenge—Level I is a downloadable e-book that walks students (and teachers!) through the first three-fourths of Donna’s effective Checklist Challenge. The Checklist Challenge is a challenging checklist of tasks that help students go through their writing, one task at a time, and revise, edit, add to, embellish, and improve. Click or tap here to watch a video about how to teach the Checklist Challenge.
The Definition Dissection Download
The Definition Dissection packet is a vocabulary product in which the six Definition Dissection tricks are taught in detail (with steps for carrying out each one): 1. Clue Words; 2. Parts of Speech; 3. Roots and Affixes; 4. Trigger Words; 5. Context; 6. Synonyms. Each trick is taught in a full page of steps and examples followed by a full page of enumerated steps and examples. Following the dozen pages of the six tricks, the product has a page of Roots and Affixes with words listed beneath each one. Following this, there are several pages of categorized words that are similar or related to each other. Click or tap here to view a video on using the Definition Dissection Download.
Think Fast Grammar Quizzes
In this document, you will find Character Ink Press’ (CI) original Think Fast Grammar Quiz (Beginner’s Level and Advanced Level) and page after page of answers divided by category. In testing my books, I have learned the importance of two things: (1) Recitation/memorization of the parts of speech that are constants AND (2) Teaching HOW to use these parts of speech (via my Checklist Challenge).
Beauty & the Beast Checklist Challenge
Beauty and the Beast Checklist Challenge is a downloadable e-book that walks students (and teachers!) through the first three-fourths of Donna’s effective Checklist Challenge. The Checklist Challenge is a challenging checklist of tasks that help students go through their writing, one task at a time, and revise, edit, add to, embellish, and improve.
Preposition Practice Packet
All of the methods within this Preposition Practice Packet have one thing in common: they focus on the PURPOSE of the preposition—to show spatial relationships or time.
This 80 page practice packet has fifteen lessons (with student assignments) introducing prepositions in a systematic order: initial letter, with the practice pal, as opposites, as synonyms, as compound words, and more.
When you use this packet, your student will learn prepositions by the boatload—but they will also learn them for their purpose.
Watch a video on using the Preposition Practice Packet!
Ready to access all of this for only $10?!
Click or tap below to sign up!!
Love and hope,