day 365: i made it!!!!

“The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Our children will do to and for others whatever we have done to and for them.” Donna Reish…okay, so I’m not Bonhoeffer…but I thought of this quote before I read his! LOL!

I challenged myself in 2010 to write about aspects of Christian parenting every day of the year—and I made it! Sometimes due to busy travel schedules or motels with no internet, I had to double up here and there—but the point is that I posted 365 times about something very important to me: being Christian moms and dads to the wonderful children entrusted to our care.

Thanks for joining us. I pray that you will have a blessed new year. And that you will join us in 2011 for our character training focus!

And remember: “Our children will do to and for others whatever we have done to and for them.”

day 364: wrapping up this year—and a sneak preview of 2011 at PP 365

Tomorrow is the last day of 2010! And the 365th day of the first year of Positive Parenting 3*6*5! I want to thank our readers and subscribers who have made this year so enjoyable for me as a writer. I also want to give you a sneak preview of the coming year here at Positive Parenting.

We are going to keep the name Positive Parenting 3*6*5 (although we will only post on weekdays next year) simply because I don’t want to “start from scratch” with a new name, url, etc.

I am excited about Positive Parenting in 2011—because you are going to be our “test” audience for many of our points from “Character Training From the Heart”! Yep, we are going to have a character training focus at least for the first part of the year (and probably much longer!).

So invite your friends to join us! But beware—the first few weeks of “how to’s” of character training are going to focus on the beginning of character training—modeling and having the character of Christ ourselves first!  Happy new year!

day 362: one of the most glorious days of my life

Twenty-eight years ago today I became a mother. Hard to believe it’s been that long, but I have a handsome, sweet, wise, diligent, kind, smart, talented, athletic, Christian young adult son to prove to me that it has indeed been twenty-eight years! And he’s an incredible husband, to boot!

Truly, the day I became a mother (all pain and stress aside!) was one of the most glorious days of my life. To think that I (along with my husband) had brought this baby into the world. To think that he was mine, really mine!

Then reality set in. I had helped raise my three younger siblings, often caring for them all day and all evening during summers that my mom worked two jobs. And most weekends year round while she worked. I babysat all the time growing up. And yet, the time arrived for us to take Joshua home from the hospital and panic overcame me. I remember calling the nurse’s station, telling them that I was supposed to leave the hospital that afternoon and nobody had showed me how to bathe the baby! I had no idea what I was doing, nursing-wise either. I never knew if Joshua was too hot or too cold. Had enough to eat or not. I knew so little about physically caring for this little bundle.

A couple of years later and even more reality set in—not only was I responsible for this child’s physical well-being, I was also responsible for his spiritual well being. How could I teach him right from wrong? How could I keep him from shouting, “No” and running the other way when I gave a command? How could I teach him to love God and God’s ways more than this world? How could I train him to have the character of Christ in this life—to put others before himself, to be kind to the weak, to speak words that were uplifting, to be a diligent worker, and much more?

I have made many mistakes along the way—and our first two “guinea pigs” (Joshua 28 and Kayla 24) have had to bear the results of my inadequacies. But when I look at what an amazing young man Joshua has become, when I hear how he treats his wife exactly like the Bible says a husband should, when I observe him teaching our cottage classes and note the wisdom he possesses and the detailed preparations he has made, when I watch his creativity blossom into lessons and stories, when I see how devoted he is to his younger brothers and sisters, when I see him study and learn every day of his life, when I see concern on his face if he thinks I’m having a bad day or hard time—my inadequacies melt away and are replaced with the glorious joys of the time of his birth.

No, I haven’t been a perfect mother for Joshua. There are things that I wish I could undo or words I wish I had never spoken. But the glories of motherhood far outweigh any inadequacies I feel. For I have been appointed to fulfill one of the greatest callings any person can have—I have been given the calling and glorious joy of being a mother.

day 361: links for christmas posts

I wanted to provide a little “table of contents” of sort for those who want to bookmark ideas, stories, recipes, etc. for next Christmas. You can find the following blog titles at the links given below. Thanks for joining us this Christmas season!

Day 306-309: Organizing Kids for Christmas—

Day 310-314: Snack Mix Gifts—

Day 315-318: Preparing Kids for Holidays–Manners, Selflessness, and More—

Day 323-324: Turkey Leftover Ideas—

Day 340-: Ham Leftover Ideas—

Day 341: Side Dish Leftovers–

Day 325-326: Our Decorating Traditions (With Pics!)—

Day 329: Free Christmas Advent E Book–

Day 330-333: Christmas Musings, Parts I-IV (re-run!)—

Day 334: Christmas Activity E Book—

Day 335: Free Online Advent Calendar—

Day 337: Colors of Christmas—

Day 339: Charlie Brown Christmas —

Day 342-343: Fudge Gifts for Christmas—

Day 344: Singing Through the Nativity Story (with links to lyrics!)—

Day 345: Mistletoe–Peace With Family at Christmas—

Day 346: Christmas Read Alouds w/ ratings and links for Ages twelve and under—

Day 347: Nativity Sets Galore!—

Day 348: Gift of the Magi by O’Henry (to read aloud!)–

Day 349 and 350: Quick Bread Gifts–

Day 351: Two Dozen Goodie Recipes From Our House to Yours—

Day 352: Older Kids’ Read Alouds w/ Links and Ratings—

Day 353: Christmas in the Car–

Day 354: “A Burglar’s Christmas” by Willa Cather—

Day 355: They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love—Lee Strobel’s story—

Day 357: Christmas Sorrow—“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”—

Day 359: Holiday Leftovers Revisited—

Day 360: Merry Christmas From the Reishes!–

day 357: christmas sorrow—“i heard the bells on christmas day”

“Then pealed the bells more loud and deep”:

‘God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;”

Having a family who is close to us spend their first Christmas without their mother reminds me daily that there are many out there who are hurting, some even despairingly sorrowful, this Christmas. I long to do something, anything, to lessen their pain…and yet I feel inadequate to do so.

Then came our reading in “Stories Behind the Songs of Christmas” about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Christmas Bells” poem (today sung as “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”). While it did not give me any specific insight into how to reach out to those I love who are hurting this Christmas, it did remind me once again, that God is there—always—and that some day they will hurt less than today…and then later less…though the hollowness will always be there to a certain degree. God will be there.

Christmas 1863 found Longfellow in despair. The Civil War was raging; his wife had died two years previously in a freak accident; and his son returned form the war with severe wounds.

That Christmas Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the poem, “Christmas Bells,” with its well-known words:

“I heard the bells on Christmas day,

Their old, familiar carols play.

And wild and sweet, the words repeat,

Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.”

In Wadsworth’s original poem, there are two verses about the Civil War, which we do not sing as part of “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” The following verse we do sing—and it shows us so clearly the pain that this man faced:

“And in despair, I bowed by head;

‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said;

‘For hate is strong and mocks the song

Of peace on earth, good will to men!’”

The next verse, however, is the one that gives us hope—and the one that I wish I could place within the soul of every hurting person I love (and the one that I needed within my soul just twelve Christmases ago when I could not leave the sofa on Christmas day following the stillbirth of our final baby just two months earlier):

“Then pealed the bells more loud and deep”:

‘God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;

The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,

With peace on earth, good will to men!’”

Somehow when you know a fellow traveler has walked the path of sorrow and grief before you—and has come out with words within his heart of the magnitude of this song—you feel the strength from his journey to carry on in your own.

That is what I love about this song—the honesty that yes, this journey felt impossible at times. But he made it to the other side with praise for God and a knowing that “God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!” And those I love will too.

Listen to Casting Crowns sing this incredible song:

day 354: the burglar’s christmas by willa cather—story to read together

Last week I posted a link to a favorite Christmas story (“Gift of the Magi”) that is available online in its entirety. I hope you and your family enjoyed reading that together!

Today I am thrilled to provide a link to another favorite, though lengthier one, by Willa Cather (author of “Oh Pioneers” and “My Antonia”) entitled “The Burglar’s Christmas.” It is rather long and may even require two reading sessions, but it is an incredibly heart-warming story of reconciliation, forgiveness, and a mother’s love.

You may find it in its entirety here:

Merry Christmas, special families!

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