Podcast: Christmas With College & Adult Children Part I

Podcast - Christmas With College and Adult Children

Donna Reish, of Raising Kids With Character and Character Ink Press, brings you answers to questions about celebrating Christmas with college and adult children. From how to include marrieds and college kids to gift ideas and party games, Donna loves sharing about her family’s traditions and celebrations. 


Podcast: How to Utilize Room Time With Toddlers & Preschoolers

Podcast: How to Utilize Room Time With Toddlers & Preschoolers

Donna Reish, writer, speaker, and teacher at Character Ink Press and Raising Kids With Character blog and seminar, brings this Wondering Wednesday podcast about utilizing room time with toddlers and preschoolers. In this episode, Donna describes the benefits of room time, how to begin this daily, potential problems and solutions, and ideas for activities to use for room time. She also explains the importance of utilizing this opportunity to increase focusing skills, Independence, creativity, resourcefulness, and attentiveness.


Podcast: CLEP Testing for College Credit and/or a College Degree

Podcast: CLEP Testing for College Credit and/or a College Degree


Donna Reish, of Character Ink Press and Raising Kids With Character, brings you this episode about CLEP testing for college credit. Donna describes the two primary reasons for taking CLEP (College Level Equivalency Program) tests: (1) To test out of an entire degree (or most of it); (2) To earn college credit towards a degree that the student will be pursuing or is pursuing. She explains the steps her family has gone through to use the CLEP for both approaches (as some classes toward a nursing degree, for 3/4 of a degree, and for all of a degree except for two classes for which there were no tests available). She then details the steps you will want to go through to get the most out of this college testing option, focusing on how to decide if a student would be a good CLEP candidate, how to choose the exams to take, and how to prepare for the exams.


Podcast: Teens – The Recipe for Rebellion and the Ingredients for Intimacy

Podcast: Teens-The Recipe for Rebellion and the Ingredients for IntimacyIn this podcast episode, Donna Reish, co-author/co-presenter of Raising Kids With Character (RKWC) parenting seminar (and blog), author of sixty curriculum books, and co-owner of Character Ink Press,  explains the RKCW’s Recipe for Rebellion. She explains all four ingredients, gives Scriptures to remind parents of the importance of not using these harmful “ingredients,” outlines steps detailing the appeal process, and leaves parents with suggestions for avoiding these pitfalls in parenting teens.



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