The Number One Reason I Chose Homeschooling After 32 Years


We used to get asked a lot WHY we homeschooled…like all the time….twenty years ago or more. Nowadays, reasons for homeschooling are as diverse as the number of people homeschooling.
There are not just a handful of reasons any more—and many of the reasons (especially the fear-based ones) are not as prevalent as they were. (Not sure if this is all good….we need to fear some things for our kids.)
After thirty-two years of homeschooling (and being done for two years now—well, done with our own kids, but not the 170 kids in our classes and part time programs!), we have narrowed it down to one big reason—with lots of sub reasons.
Truly, TIME is the biggest reason that I would homeschool if I had it to do all over again—and is something I would like for you to at least consider in your decision to homeschool or not, go to school or stay home, continue on or end. Because TIME is big—and can never be redeemed.

Blessings to you and your family on your journey! Enjoy every moment you have!


P.S. Feel free to share this video. I don’t think it is something that people talk about a lot….but it was hugely impactful to our family!


Eleven Year Old Learns That a Baby In-Utero Is Truly a Baby!


With the partial-birth abortion ruling, our grown children had a lot to ponder and share. They know that a baby is a baby early on–not just because we told them forever or they learned it through their homeschool teaching, but because they experienced it first hand at young ages. Here is one daughter’s latest FB post–and her view of our stillborn baby when Cami was only eleven years old. Feel free to share with others.


Punctuation Puzzle – Prepositional Phrases and Commas With Dumbo

Welcome to another Punctuation Puzzle! Yep… a puzzle that you solve by putting in the correct punctuation and words/usage fixes — along with explanations and answers about each error! Perfect for students and teachers alike!

Today’s Puzzle is about prepositional phrases and commas… and it uses an interesting sentence from one of our Write-For-A-Month/Write On books about Dumbo.

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By Donna Reish & Zac Kieser

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How to Grade the Checklist Challenge


The Checklist Challenge (CC), a challenging checklist of editing tasks, is included in ninety percent of the assignments in all one hundred of my books. It is taught extensively in the first couple lessons in each first semester Meaningful Composition book for grades 4 through 9 (and books 2 and 3 have lessons scattered throughout them). There are even downloads teaching nothing but how to complete this amazing editing tool (I really love the CC!).


Thinking of Joining a CI Class or Program in January!?!


It’s mid-school year—that time when we re-evaluate the first semester and try to make changes that will help us meet our goals for our classroom, home, and family in the coming year. For many homeschoolers, meeting some of our academic (and music, arts, physical, etc.) goals will mean securing outside teachers and tutors.

This isn’t a bad thing! In my thirty-two years of homeschooling, I either hired or bartered for woodworking, quilting, sewing, violin, viola, flute, piano, voice, science, electronics, art, worldview, debate, and much more! It helped my kids develop skills in areas that I was not as skilled in (okay…some areas I had zero skills in!), and it lifted the load for me many times!

So in this video today, I describe some of the programming we offer in our Teaching Center in Fort Wayne through Character Ink (including some new offerings this year!) and how you can join mid-school-year if desired.

Blessings on your learning, loving, and growing in 2019!




1) General Info

a. Classes start week of January 7th and run for 17 to 18 weeks depending on weather/cancellations
b. Three locations—Mondays First Assembly; Tuesdays Bluffton; Thursdays Aboite area/SW Fort Wayne
c. Half-Day Homeschool is in SW FW in our home and is in mornings only (unless you are a private or semi-private student—times vary)
d. Some new classes are starting; others have options of joining mid year with pre-requisites


2) New Classes

a. Jump Start II: Bluffton—students in grades 7 through 12 who are ready to write three paragraphs or more but haven’t written extensively (Tuesday afternoons)
b. Four Research Reports: SW FW—Upper Level High Schoolers who are ready to write up to 24 paragraph research reports (we start out with twelve paragraphs) using MLA approach to citation (Thursday mornings)
c. Private tutoring for all levels most subjects—locations and times vary
d. Online writing and language arts for existing groups or co-ops–contact us!


3) Two Semester Character Ink Cottage Classes

Click HERE

a. Mondays—complete language arts 7th through 12th grades; biology; chemistry; Spanish; speech and debate; middle school speech; junior high math—can join if complete language arts kids do four hours of videos at home to learn the program and if other subjects have the first semester done at home or elsewhere
b. Tuesdays—complete language arts for 2nd through 12th grades; can join if kids do four hours of videos at home to learn the program
c. Wednesdays–southwest FW–High school economics, advanced biology, world history–contact to see if your student is at the same spot we are
d. Thursdays— complete language arts for 2nd through 10th grades; can join if kids do four hours of videos at home to learn the program


4) Half Day Homeschool

Click HERE

a. All academics taught for you and most work done here with oversight by teacher most mornings from 8:30 to 12:00
b. SW FW
c. Can possibly join in January (call Ray for details: 260-450-7063)


5) Private Tutoring

a. Various locations and days/times
b. Few openings
c. Price based on number of meetings per week


6) Online Tutoring and Writing–groups and co-ops

a. As requested
b. Call for availability 260-450-7063 or 260-433-4365 



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