Using Word Cards in Reading Instruction

Using Word Cards in Reading Instruction


Using Word Cards in Reading Instruction


Tips for Using Word Cards in Reading Instruction


1) Don’t use word cards with words the student has never encountered. Word cards are for practicing words used in instruction, not for long lists of words never encountered before.


You Were Probably Homeschooled If Your Grandpa Was Your Substitute Teacher

You Were Probably Homeschooled If Your Grandpa Was Your Substitute Teacher

On the two year anniversary of my dad’s death, I wanted to honor him on FB with pics or memories or kind words……then I saw some old pics of him doing school with my kids and knew how I wanted to share about him.


My dad never graduated from high school. He never had the opportunities for education that we have now. 

As we homeschooled our kids, he and my step-mom were so proud of us and our kids. They bragged about how smart the kids were, how obedient and kind they were, and how much they loved to be with them. 

When we left the kids with them whenever we went away, Dad took his role as their substitute teacher very seriously. 

Summer Family Bucket List To Grow

Summer Family Bucket List To Grow

Summer Family Bucket List

I have loved seeing families’ bucket lists on Facebook! They make me wish that bucket lists were popular when my kids were little!

(Well, I guess we made our own Bucket List with our Summer School Goals—oh, my kids loved those!)

And I love having fun as a family…I mean, honestly, we were a FUN family. And we still go to Disney World as a family every five years!!! (Thanks to Plexus, we are moving that up to every three years!)

But for this post, I would like to propose a different bucket list than the traditional, fun, memory-making bucket list. It is the Summer Family Bucket List to Grow.


Happy Mother’s Day! Or Happy Mothers’ Day?

Happy Mother’s Day! Or Happy Mothers’ Day?

The history of the holiday known as Mother’s Day is an interesting one. It was founded by a single lady who wanted to honor her mother. Anna Jarvis arranged two ceremonies in 1908 to honor mothers and initiate the holiday. 

Soon thereafter, the holiday was catching on and Mother’s Day services were held in 45 states, as well as Canada and Mexico. For four years, Jarvis continued to advocate for a national holiday to honor mothers until she founded her own association in which white carnations were the icon and the terms “second Sunday in May” and “Mother’s Day” were branded. 


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