by Donna | Apr 30, 2018
The scene was a common one for this “young mama” (then!) of five children ten and under (so far!): I worked my tail off all day long and still felt like a complete failure. My husband came home from a typical twelve hour day to my cries of “I didn’t get anything done today that I needed to do” and “I just don’t understand why I can’t get more done as long as the day is and as hard as I work.”
And once again, he answered with sweet words that pointed me to prioritizing, something that I was still in the process of learning: “Did you rock and feed the baby?” I nodded yes.
by Donna | Apr 29, 2018
Classes are underway for the second semester for both Character Ink Cottage Classes and Donna’s Live Online Writing Classes (yay!). I had so much fun with a couple of students in a book that I haven’t taught from for a while that I thought I would give my readers the lesson and video of the class—AND give you a chance to win a copy of the book I am using! Yep–someone will win a free copy of the spiral-bound, print version of Meaningful Composition 9 II: High School Creative Writing simply by watching the teaching video in this post and commenting below that you watched the whole video–and what you learned or liked about it! 🙂 (Homework!)
by Donna | Apr 18, 2018
I have had a wonderful year teaching online classes! The tech wasn’t as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. We didn’t really have any trouble getting papers back and forth between me and the students. And it was great to teach students from Canada, Florida, Chicago, Ohio, and more! So much fun!
I am excited to open up a couple more classes–and extremely excited for the interest from co-ops and small groups to join me! I’m still working out the details of the small group or co-op classes, but I would love to talk you on the phone to work your group in! (260-433-4365)
Also, if you have a group of four or more students, I would consider creating a writing or complete language arts class for your group possibly on a different day/time.
Here are the details as I know them so far!