We have taught our children to cook and do for others since they could stir something up in the kitchen! We have used cooking as a ministry to others in many ways throughout our family’s life: making things for small group, cooking meals for company, making goodies for neighbors and family, preparing freezer meals for those expecting babies or in other needy situations, cooking large amounts for banquets for the disability ministry our kids are a part of, and much more.
Now that we are busy with our family ministry and publishing company (and now that our girls are grown and not here to cook!), we do not cook as much as we used to, though we still love to gather together in the kitchen and make stir fry, pizza, soup, freezer entrees, or cookies.
I will be sharing many of our favorite holiday recipes over the next six weeks (mainly on weekends), but I want to start with some ideas for “quick holiday goody gifts.” These are things that you and your children might be able to prepare (at least package) together—or things that make a lot in a short amount of time. (Other, more time consuming recipes, such as our favorite holiday cookies, etc. will follow later.)
So…to start with, I will give you my four “quickest” (and somewhat child-friendly in terms of kids helping with them) gift goodies—with recipes. Snack mixes in colorful Christmas bags—sized for individuals and for families
1. Peanut butter, chocolate, and “ribbon” fudge poured right into shallow plastic Christmas goody buckets
2. Mini and full sized loaves of quick bread
3. “Easy” drop and other candies to use for “family candy day”—those that do not require molds or a lot of cooking but can be made in bulk to put on plates or in tins for gift giving
Check in often during November and December!