Fall 2014/Spring 2015 Character Ink (Training for Triumph) Class Info and Links
All classes for Fall Semester (August through December) are listed below with their Description Sheets and Registration Forms. 

Note that there are changes from the published forms in the spring issue of the FWAHS “Homemade News.” Please use forms below rather than old forms. You will notice a few changes in next year’s classes and schedules:

1. Wednesday Craigville/Ossian classes are moving to Tuesdays.

2. We are adding another First Assembly day on Thursdays. (CQLA and sciences will only be on Mondays there; see *new* classes for Thursdays listed.)

3. We are adding two new science teachers—our daughter Kayla (who is a nurse and has four degrees in nursing, Bible, and a masters in church history, and more) will be teaching some sciences and our son Josiah (who will be in his final year of nursing school and working as a nurse tech at a pediatrician’s office) will also be teaching some sciences (specifically Advanced Biology/Anatomy).

4. We are adding the first high school year of Spanish-Spanish I, which will be taught by Kayla (see above) who has had four years of high school Spanish and two years of college Spanish and has spoken Spanish in various locations as a missionary nurse. (Spanish I and Spanish II will both be offered the following year, based on interest.)

5. We are adding two blocks of CLEP test prep classes! These will be taught by Joshua, who tested out of his entire degree except for two classes for which there were no tests available. He knows his stuff! And he can help your high school student CLEP out of up to twenty-seven college credits (six tests/classes) depending on your student’s desire and his potential college’s acceptance of CLEP credits. (See below for more info.)

6. Registration forms will be available via email and at our blog:  https://characterinkblog.com/

CI Class Schedule-at-a-Glance All Locations:  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwbFUxVnlKXzdab2c/edit

CI Class General Information:  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwZ0dsNWtuN0pUdjQ/edit 


Composition Classes—Creative Writing, General Composition, Research Reports, and Essays Only– for grades four through twelve (writing levels) available all four days/locations for Fall 2014!

CI/TFT Class Descriptions for Fort Wayne (First Assembly), Monday— Fall 2014   https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwT3JrTlpCck9sR0k/edit CI/TFT Class Registration for Fort Wayne (First Assembly),  Monday–Fall 2014 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwNlZYakZZaTZWVGM/edit


Ray Working on Lesson Preparations for Chemistry and Biology These (along with Anatomy and Physics) are available on Mondays (in Fort Wayne) and Tuesdays (near Ossian)

CI/TFT Class Descriptions for  Ossian (our home), Tuesday–Fall 2014   https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwZnZmOGhoRjZ4LVk/edit CI/TFT Class Registration Form for Ossian (our home), Tuesday— Fall 2014  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwTlMyVC01czNKeWs/edit


Students engage in lively discussions in many of Joshua’s classes, including literature, world history, US history, economics, government, apologetics, speech, and debate.

CI/TFT Class Descriptions for Fort Wayne (First Assembly), Thursday— Fall 2014   https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwS191X05lUkpMekk/edit CI/TFT Class Registration Forms for Fort Wayne (First Assembly),  Thursday— Fall 2014 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwYlVqSE1MZDJiZ1E/edit


Complete Language Arts Classes Using “Character Quality Language Arts” for second through twelfth grade students at two locations (Mondays in Fort Wayne and Tuesdays near Ossian)

CI/TFT Class Descriptions for Leo, Indiana, Thursday–Spring 2015  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwbHFVUjJjNWYwRVU/edit CI/TFT Class Registration Form for Leo, Indiana,  ThursdaySpring 2015  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9s1gDz0XKhwMGpmOTU3RXNselk/edit


Thursday classes in Leo, Indiana are held second semester only! Don’t miss them!

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