Christmas With College & Adult Children: Tips for Keeping Traditions with Grown Children


In a previous blog post, I discussed the importance of finding out those traditions that mean a lot to your college and adult kids so that they do not feel left out of the things you are doing in your home – especially the things that you used to do when they were little. In another post, I talked about the invitation versus obligation. (Read that here…that’s important!)


This post will focus on the latter. We try to continue many traditions with our high school kids and our college kids living at home, but at the same time, we don’t want to leave out the adult children who are away from home–or impose upon them either. This is a fine balance. Because of this, we recommend that you invite them to some of those things, but be sure that they do not see those things as obligations.



52 Weeks of Talking To Our Kids: Tell A Story

52 Weeks of Talking to Our Kids: Tell a Story

Story telling is a perfect time to talk because, well, it truly is talking!

Telling your children a story that is made up (or retelling a classic tale) is fun, and kids love it.

Telling your children a story about you, your life, your parents’ life, etc., is even better!

Story telling is truly teaching!

In one of our workshops, we talk about teaching like Jesus taught. Truly, story telling was one of his master teaching techniques—and it can be one of ours too!


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