Discerning Between the 4D’s of Behavior and Childishness

Discerning Between the 4D's of Behavior and Childishness


One way that we like to help parents determine whether a child’s behavior is of a serious nature or whether it is simply childishness that needs training, rewards, more training, follow-through, and consequences to solve it is by using the benchmark of the 4D’s.

If you have been to our Raising Kids With Character parenting seminar, you have probably heard us describe the importance of determining which behavior a child is having. This is because the behaviors that we call the 4D’s are heart-oriented and more life-affecting than those that are simply childishness such as irresponsibility, laziness, or messiness.


Wondering Wednesday: Q & A—What to Do With a Wonderful One Year Old

What To Do With A Wonderful One Year Old Part 1

 Donna Reish of Character Ink publishing and Raising Kids With Character parenting seminar answers questions about what to do with a child from twelve to twenty-four months in this week’s Wondering Wednesday podcast episode. In this first of two parts about sweet one-year olds, Donna discusses the basics of parenting and child training for this age group: your parenting paradigms, your parenting absolutes, three important truths, things to always remember (“Don’t say NO unless you’ll go!”), and potential goals for this age group.


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