[Video] Five Tips for Avoiding The Terrible Twos

 [Video] Five Tips for Avoiding The Terrible Twos
In this video, mom of seven (ages 18 through 33) and author of seventy curriculum books and dozens of workshops, Donna Reish gives parents five surefire tips for avoiding the Terrible Two’s: (1) Discern between wants and needs prior to the twenty-four month mark; (2) Mean what you say (“Don’t say no unless you’ll go”); (3) Don’t sweat the small stuff—discerning between truly bad behaviors (behavior absolutes) and childishness; (4) Provide consistency; and (5) Tell, don’t ask (unless it’s okay if the child disobeys or doesn’t listen). Learn more about the Raising Kids With Character parenting seminar and products at our Character Ink store.


Preposition Practice Packet Product Intro and Video!

Preposition Practice Packet

Aboard, about, above. Along, among, around….

Whether your kids sing them, recite them, chant them, rap them, or write them…prepositions are important.

I learned them in chant-like form when I was in school. However, I never knew WHY I needed to learn them.

My newest downloadable product will teach kids prepositions—in a way that focuses on the WHY, that is, what prepositions really do!


Video: The Four D’s of Behavior Poster Pack

Video: How to Use 4D's of Behavior

I have been trying and trying to get this Wondering Wednesday video up. I taped it three times, and I just got the file to upload!

This (along with the Character Pies video and charts) is such an important concept in parenting that I really hope I can find creative ways to get this information out to young families even more! (We will for sure be discussing this in our “”Tweens and Teens: Major on the Majors” workshop in Kelona, British Columbia in three weeks!)


Video: How to Use the Consequence Pies

Video: How to Use Consequence Pies

I continue to have technical difficulties with YouTube. I have recorded the Wondering Wednesday video “The Four D’s of Behavior” three times now (the past three weeks), and it still isn’t able to be fully uploaded.

I keep trying because I am starting to think it is really needed with all the problems!

So again, I give you a “re-run.”


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