52 Weeks of Talking to Our Kids: A Penny for Your Thoughts, a Nickle for a Hug, and a Dime if You Tell Me That You Love Me

52 Weeks of Talking to Our Kids:: A Penny for Your Thoughts, a Nickle for a Hug, and a Dime if You Tell Me That You Love Me

“A penny for your thoughts; a nickel for a hug; and a dime if you tell me that you love me.”

We have talked at length on this blog about communicating with our kids. And how communication is a strong form of “teaching when…”

The ditty above is a little chant that we used to say to our kids to remind them that we want to talk to them, that they are valuable to us, that we love them “ten million times infinity and beyond.” From this saying, a valuable “object lesson” developed and tied my son’s and my heartstrings in a special way nearly twenty years ago.


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