Answer Key:

1. The word was so allusive/elusive; it just wouldn’t come to me.

Hint: Elude and exclude look similar. “I excluded that song from the program because it eluded me.”

2. He made an illusion/allusion/elusion to our previous conversation.

Hint: Allusion related to allude. “What he alluded to is ludicrous.” Means to refer to something.

3. The ride gives you the allusion/illusion that you are on a mountain top.

Hint: Illusion comes from illustrate. A picture….gives you the picture or feeling of something else.

4. I excluded the word from the program because its spelling alluded/eluded me.

Hint: Eluded—excluded. Elude means “not able to grasp.”

5. What did he elude/allude to?

Hint: Allude/allusion—something you refer to. “What he alluded to was ludicrous.”

6. They used Kleenexes to give you the allusion/illusion of fabric.

Hint: Illusion is a facsimile or picture. Related to illustrate.

7. What he alluded/eluded to was ludicrous!

Hint: “What he alluded to was ludicrous.”

8. What was his illusion/allusion to your situation?

Hint: Allude/allusion—referring to something else.

9. Allusion/illusion is related to hallucination.

Hint: Illusion is related to hallucination—pictures that are not there.

10. He made an elusion/allusion to our previous conversation.

Hint: Allusion is to refer to something else; elusion is to be out of your grasp. He referred to the previous conversation…not that he couldn’t grasp it.

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